ΡΩΣΙΑ - ΧΡΟΝΟΛΟΓΙΟ: Από τους πρώιμους Σλάβους (πρωτοσλάβοι) στην Μογγολική Εισβολή

Πρωτοσλάβοι:  ποικιλόμορφη ομάδα φυλετικών κοινωνιών που έζησαν κατά την περίοδο της μετανάστευσης και τον Πρώιμο Μεσαίωνα (5-10ος αιώνας) στην Ανατολική Ευρώπη και την Κεντρική Ευρώπη και δημιούργησαν τα θεμέλια για τα σλαβικά έθνη μέσω των σλαβικών κρατών του Πρώιμου Μεσαίωνα.


The Early East Slavs gradually settled Western Russia in two waves: one moving from Kiev towards present-day Suzdal and Murom, and another from Polotsk towards Novgorod and Rostov.Slavs well established on the Eurasian plain as agriculturalists and traders with more than 300 towns.


From the 7th century onwards, East Slavs constituted the bulk of the population in Western Russia and slowly but peacefully assimilated the native Finnic tribes, such as the Merya, the Muromians,[and the Meshchera.


c 860. According to the earliest Russian chronicle (12th-century Kievan Primary Chronicle),

a group of Varangians known as the Rus' settled in Novgorod in 862 under the leadership of Rurik.  Rurik was elected ruler (knyaz) of Novgorod in about 860,[ before his successors moved south and extended their authority to Kiev, which had been previously dominated by the Khazars


A coordinated group of princely states with a common interest in maintaining trade along the river routes, Kievan Rus' controlled the trade route for furs, wax, and slaves between Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire along the Volkhov and Dnieper River.


860A fleet of about 200 Rus' vessels[sailed into the Bosporus and started pillaging the suburbs of Constantinople. The casus belli was the construction of the fortress Sarkel by Byzantine engineers, restricting the Rus' trade route along the Don River in favor of the Khazars.


862. Cyril and Methodius ("Apostles to the Slavs") from Byzantium write the Slavic bible.


882. Rurik's son Oleg of Russia captures Kiev from the Khazars. Kiev becomes the capital of loose federation of fortified cities ruled by princes.


c900. Oleg unifies the Baltic city of Novgorod with the duchy of Kiev.


907The Rus attacked Byzantium. A Rus'-Byzantine Treaty allowed Rus' merchants to enter the city under guard.


911. The Rus and the eastern Roman empire sign a treaty.


913. Igor becomes the ruler of Kiev-Novgorod.


921. Igor moves the capital of the duchy from Novgorod to Kiev.


941The Rus' and their allies, the Pechenegs, informed that the Imperial capital Constantinople stood defenseless and vulnerable to attack, disembarked on the northern coast of Asia Minor and swarmed over Bithynia. They attacked Byzantium but they are defeated.


944. Igor signs a treaty with Byzantium.


945.  Igor is assassinated and is succeeded by his widow Olga. The Byzantine historian and chronicler Leo the Deacon (born ca 950) describes how Igor met his death: "They had bent down two birch trees to the prince's feet and tied them to his legs; then they let the trees straighten again, thus tearing the prince's body apart.


962Olga is succeeded by her son Svyatoslav becomes ruler of Kiev.


964. Svyatoslav launches a military campaign against the Eastern tribes, conquering the Volga Bulgars


965. Sviatoslav conquered Khazaria.


 968. The Pechenegs besieged Kiev. A Rus' created the illusion of a much larger army, and frightened them away.


968. Khazars are defeated at Sarkel by Svyatoslav of Kiev and the Khazar empire is destroyed, leaving Kiev with the entire Volga-Caspian trade route. Khazar capital of Atil was destroyed and a visitor to Atil wrote soon after Sviatoslav's campaign: "The Rus attacked, and no grape or raisin remained, not a leaf on a branch.''


969. Sviatoslav moved the capital from Kiev to Pereyaslavets in Bulgaria.


971. The Byzantine Empire captured Pereyaslavets. The capital moved back to Kiev.


972. Sviatoslav was killed by the Pechenegs during an expedition on their territory. His son Yaropolk I succeeded him.


980. Yaropolk was betrayed and murdered by his brother Vladimir I, The Great, who succeeded him as Prince of Kiev.


988. Prince Vladimir (r. 978–1015) converts to Greek Orthodox Christianity; Kievan Rus becomes a Christian state.


996. the Church of the Assumption ("Church of the Tithes") is completed.


1015. Vladimir died. He was succeeded by Sviatopolk I, who may have been his biological son by the rape of Yaropolk's wife. Sviatopolk ordered the murder of three of Vladimir's younger sons.


1017. Yaroslav issued the first Russian code of law, the Russkaya Pravda.


1018The Polish army captured Kiev; Yaroslav fled to Novgorod.


1019. Yaroslav I prevails in the civil war and becomes the new ruler of Kiev. 


1024.  Mstislav of Chernigov  defeated Yaroslav in the The Battle of Listven. The  kingdom  is divided - Mstislav obtains the territory east of the Dniepr with capital in Chernigov. 


1030. Yaroslav, the Rus ruler of Kiev-Novgorod, builds Hagia Sofia  in Kiev. 


1043. Yaroslav led an unsuccessful naval raid on Constantinople. According to the peace settlement, Yaroslav's son Vsevolod I married a daughter of the Byzantine emperor Constantine Monomachos.


1050. The ascetics Anthony (a monk from Esphigmenon monastery on Mount Athos) and Theodosius  found the Monastery of the Caves (Pecherska Lavra) in Kiev.


1054. Yaroslav died. He was succeeded by his oldest son, Iziaslav I.


1068. Iziaslav was overthrown in a popular uprising and forced to flee to Poland.


1069. Iziaslav led the Polish army back into Kiev and reestablished himself on the throne.


1073Two of Iziaslav's brothers, Sviatoslav II and Vsevolod I, overthrew him; the former became prince of Kiev.

1076. Sviatoslav died. Vsevolod I succeeded him, but traded the princedom of Kiev to Iziaslav in exchange for Chernigov.


1078. Iziaslav died. The throne of Kiev went to Vsevolod.


1093. Svyatopolk succeeds Vsevolod as ruler or Kiev but Vsevolod's son Vladimir Monomakh initiates a campaign to unite Kiev and northeastern Rus.


1113. Monomakh is proclaimed prince of Kiev.


1125. Monomach dies and is succeeded by his son Mstislav in Kiev.


1132. Mstislav died. His brother Yaropolk II followed him as prince of Kiev.


1147. The Russian city of Moscow is founded.


1154Yury Dolgoruky is accepted as grand prince of Kiev.


1156. Yury Dolgoruky builds the first (wooden) kremlin in Moscow.


1157. Yury Dolgoruky dies and his eldest son becomes the grand prince of Kiev.


1169Andrey Bogolyubsky, the elder son of Yuri Dolgorukiy, prince of new strong principality of Vladimir-Suzdal attacked and plundered Kiev. A majority of Russian princes recognized him as a new grand prince. Unlike previous grand princes Andrey I remained in Vladimir and didn't move his residence to Kiev. Andrey appointed his brother Gleb as prince of Kiev. In fact, since this, Kiev stopped to be a center of Russian lands. Political and cultural center was moved to Vladimir. New princes of Kiev were depending on grand princes of Vladimir-Suzdal. 


1176. Yury Dolgoruky's tenth son Vsevolod III becomes the grand prince of Kiev.


1185Igor Svyatoslavich, prince of Novgorod-Seversk, is defeated by the Cumans.


1197Roman the Great unifies Galicia and Volynia.


1200. Vsevolod III proclaims himself grand prince of Kiev and grand prince of Vladimir-Suzdal.


1212. Vsevolod III dies.


1215Yury II founds the eastern-most of the Russian princedoms, Nizhny-Novgorod, on the Volga and Oka rivers.


1221. Roman's son Danylo becomes prince of Galicia.


1222Yaroslav II becomes prince of Novgorod.


1223. A first Mongol horde defeats a coalition of Russian princes on the Kalka river


1236. Yaroslav II moves from Novgorod to Kiev, leaving his son Alexander  Nevsky in charge in Novgorod.


1237The Mongols invade Russia


1240. Novgorod prince Alexander Nevsky defeats the Swedes on the Neva river.


1240. Mongol leader Batu raids Kiev, destroying the Church of the Assumption, the Rurikid prince becomes subjects of the Mongols, and Moscow becomes the new center of Russian culture. 


1242. The army of Novgorod defeated the invading Teutonic Knights on the frozen surface of Lake Peipus.


1243Yaroslav II of Vladimir accepts to become a vassal of the Mongols
